Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
What I Paid: $19.95
Verdict: Not Shovelware. More than 100 hours.
What I Say:
Full disclosure: I like Digimon, but for some reason I loathe Pokemon. Not sure why, but it is what it is. I was therefore very pleased to see this title come to the Switch and even more pleased when I nabbed it on sale.
Before saying more, it is important to mention that this is more of a Digimon breeding game, not so much a linear JRPG with a defined end point. Sure there is plenty of traditional JRPG exploration and battling and a final boss, but the difficulty spikes are massive and the game is very, very long and grindy.
The reason I say all of the above is in the hopes that this will lessen the shock of your carefully buffed Digimon dying of old age for the first time. Essentially there’s an extra game loop to navigate over and above the usual JRPG grind – raise up a Digimon to maximum buffness, fight as far as you can go with that Digimon, it dies of old age, raise it back up with better stats, rinse and repeat, going a little bit further into the story each time. Eventually, you’ll have Digimon strong enough to finish the main story (this was at around the 200 hour mark for me), but the game does continue on with new content after this. I played at Normal level, which is the hardest difficulty level available before you finish the main story for the first time. Easier difficulties are less grindy.
If you can get over the very slow first 30 hours and not get too annoyed with the constant feeding and toileting requirements of your Digimon, the game does get better and faster as it progresses.
What They Say:
Purchase Digimon World: Next Order and get the following bonus content:
- Omegamon Ult. Digivolution Item: Summaequetrine
- Imperialdramon PM Ult. Digivolution Item: Sacrimperine
- Parameter Boost Set
- HP Chip Mini x2, MP Chip Mini x2, Strength Chip Mini x2, Stamina Chip Mini x2, Speed Chip Mini x2, Wisdom Chip Mini x2
The Digital World has run rampant with Machinedramon and is now in a state of utter chaos. As a Digidestined, it’s up to you to restore order to the world in Digimon World: Next Order, a monster-collecting RPG.
Find and recruit as many faithful Digimon companions as possible to rebuild the Digital World. Will you be able to balance both training and exploration to stop the virus-infected Digimon from causing complete destruction?
Train your pair of Digimon to fight cooperatively in AI battles. Issue commands and cheer them to victory!
Choose between a male or female protagonist and seek adventure with over 200 Digimon to collect! Explore the world with, not one but, TWO Digimon companions for the first time ever.
Form a strong bond with your Digimon by caring for them: feed, train, discipline, and Digivolve them. The stronger the bond between you and your Digimon, as well as between the two Digimon companions, the greater the chance of victory in battles!
Expand and manage your town, Floatia. Recruit new Digimon, upgrade buildings, grow crops, and more as you grow into a sprawling Digi-metropolis.

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