Publisher: Silesia Games
What I Paid: $1.50
Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it (I think).
What I Say:
5 floors (6 if you look carefully) with 50+12 cats to find (less on the “hidden” level). This is a very basic hidden object game with a very limited end game payoff and no really clear instructions for when you have completed each floor (completion = both numbers will be zero and a paw will appear).
There is no fanfare for level completion and you can continue to visit the completed floors indefinitely even though there is nothing left to do. The Switch version also appears to be missing an extra Bunker level that the Xbox version has.
All-in-all, this should take you 1-2 hours to complete. It’s right on the borderline between Very Short and Shovelware, but I’ll be charitable and just tag it Very Short.
What They Say:
A Building Full of Cats is a hidden object game where you need to pet all the cats in the building.
Don’t leave any cats behind!
Secret cats? Who knows…
300+ cats
5+ Floors
50+ hidden cats

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