Publisher: Silesia Games
What I Paid: $1.50
Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it.
What I Say:
A Castle Full of Cats is from the same developers as A Building Full of Cats. As the name suggests, your task is to find a certain number of cats cleverly hidden in quite expansive line drawings. The overall setting for this adventure of sorts is a castle.
The developers have improved upon A Building Full of Cats with a few welcome tweaks to their previous work. I was amused that there was even a boss to defeat.
It doesn’t take that long to complete this title – I whiled away perhaps 3 hours or so completing it. One minor criticism is that free movement on the map is pretty much only unlocked when you are very close to the end of the game.
What They Say:
A Castle Full of Cats is a hidden object game with a bit of a metroidvania structure: it features alternate paths, keys to be found, mysterious NPC’s… and more!
Fofiño hasn’t been himself, since he found himself cursed by an evil force… He had transformed every cat in the castle into a dark (yet cute) creature!
Now only Lily the calico cat can save her soulmate, and release the castle from the evil spell!
500+ cats to find
100+ cats… that are even harder to find!
20+ unique rooms to search

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