Category: Silesia Games
A Castle Full of Cats (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: Silesia Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it. What I Say: A Castle Full of Cats is from the same developers as A Building Full of Cats. As the name suggests, your task is to find a certain number of cats cleverly hidden in quite expansive line drawings. The overall setting…
A Building Full of Cats (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: Silesia Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it (I think). What I Say: 5 floors (6 if you look carefully) with 50+12 cats to find (less on the “hidden” level). This is a very basic hidden object game with a very limited end game payoff and no really clear instructions for…
The Awakening of Mummies (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: Silesia Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it. What I Say: At first this appears to be a trivial puzzle game involving guiding a mummy from one point to another, avoiding simplistic traps. This quickly becomes much more difficult by the time you get to the second level of the pyramid,…
Sticks Collection (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: Silesia Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Not shovelware. 100%ed it. What I Say: This is a great little puzzler where you have to move, add or remove a certain number of matchsticks to make a certain number of triangles or make a math problem work out. Most puzzles are pretty straightforward but more…
Romeow: in the cracked world (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: Silesia Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Not Shovelware. 100%ed it. What I Say: In this game, you guide a kitten through a series of ever-increasingly complex puzzles to get to your beloved ball of string. The exit from one segment of the screen will take you to another on-screen segment, not necessarily contiguous.…