Publisher: Hook Games
What I Paid: $1.50
Verdict: Shovelware.
What I Say:
I debated for a while about whether this was Shovelware or just simply a very basic Battleship game. It has 3 modes of play; you vs someone online, you vs the Switch, and you vs someone else locally. The AI is phenomenally stupid, even when set to Hard level so there is no real challenge here and thus very limited replayability.
Playing online against someone else may have more longevity, but this requires a paid Nintendo Online membership which I don’t have.
What They Say:
Sea Battle Minimal contains all essential parts of good sea battle game:
– Online multiplayer
– Global leaderboards, Elo rating system
– Private online games with your friend
– Local multiplayer on a single device
– Game vs AI
– Touch support
– Beautiful minimal design

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