Publisher: SONKA
What I Paid: $1.50
Verdict: Not Shovelware.
What I Say:
Earthworms is an odd point and click adventure with the occasional frustrating mechanic and quite an unusual art style.
You are a detective named Daniel. You are given the task of locating Lydia, a missing person. Needless to say, this turns into a much bigger adventure involving tentacles and teleportation.
There are three endings to be had. The bad and the neutral ending are easy to achieve. The good ending is hard to achieve and easy to lock yourself out of. I got the bad ending, looked at a walkthrough to get the neutral ending and then watched the good ending on YouTube. I was going to need to play the entire game again to get the good ending as I had the critical item needed, but it was removed from my inventory when I went through a specific door.
The developers of this game are Polish. The English translation is at times quirky and occasionally unintelligible, but it gets the job done.
What They Say:
Feel the thrill of horror mixed with a dose of humor, beauty, ugliness, and weirdness in the surreal world of Earthworms – brought to Switch specially for you to delve into! Play as Daniel White, a private detective endowed with parapsychic abilities, and solve investigations with the help of his visions. Soon, what he thinks is a typical missing person case, will lead him to a global conspiracy.
The game was redesigned specifically for Nintendo Switch™, so apart from many other changes, you can play any way you like:
– on touch screen,
– with Joy-Con controller/Pro Controller,
– AND one handed: everything you need is found on a single Joy-Con controller!
Key features:
– Explore and interact with 34 locations inspired by Edward Hopper’s work
– Challenging logical puzzles as addition to classic inventory interactions
– Original and whimsical soundtrack

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