Category: RandomSpin Games
Windmill Engine (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: RandomSpin Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Shovelware. 100%ed it. Very Short. What I Say: I thought 8 minutes to complete Cyber Engine was bad. Windmill Engine took 5 minutes. 5 minutes to complete a clicker game where all you do is mash ‘Y’ and then progressively select additional menu elements to build a…
Cyber Engine (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: RandomSpin Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Shovelware. 100%ed it. Very Short. What I Say: 8 minutes. 8 minutes to complete this drab and uninspiring shovelware, and some of that was wasted time whilst I clicked ‘A’ instead of ‘Y’. What They Say: Earn your first money by pressing a “Y” button. Increase your…
Steam Engine (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: RandomSpin Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Shovelware. 100%ed it. Very Short. What I Say: RandomSpin Games have a ton of Xxxxx Engine games available on the Nintendo eShop. All of them have the same premise: click ‘Y’ for a bit to build up an Xxxxx Engine. Soon after starting, the clicking becomes optional.…
Alien Engine (Nintendo Switch)
Publisher: RandomSpin Games What I Paid: $1.50 Verdict: Shovelware What I Say: This is an incremental clicker game where you gradually build up an alien structure by simply clicking ‘A’. Clicking builds up cash for upgrades, including faster cash increments. Fairly soon into the game, you can purchase an automatic clicker and then after that…